Imagine the Moment

Winning the Powerball

Winning the lottery could change your life. But is it possible?

Since a magical button is not available, we rely on mathematics. Using our algorithms based on statistics and logic, you can gain a competitive advantage against the rest of the population.

The breakdown

Powerball 101

How Powerball Works and What You Need to Know to Win

The Stats

Using Mathematical Algorithms to Predict the Powerball

The 14 Time Lottery Winner

When the odds of something happening are really low, you say: “It’s like winning a lottery.” Yet, one man, over the course of 30 years, actually did win the lottery 14 times in a row! Sounds improbable, but this is the real story of a mathematical genius, Stefan Mandel.

Tips & Tricks

7 Ways a Lottery App Can Help You Hit a Jackpot